

Mission to share about sex and life

We have great interest in the theme of 'sex and life' as ministry to the family. Several of our church members took the seminar for the purpose of teaching the importance of life and sex. So they are qualified to share and teach about this theme in public.


photoTalking about the church ministry about sex and life, you may imagine some protest movement against abortion or something. What we want to prioritize is the care of each soul. Sometime churches may focus so much on the Biblical value's accuracy that they may forget the fact that they are dealing with real human beings. It should not be so.

Also, besides the church activities, we deal with the issues of sex of youth as supporters of Japan Alive, NPO. The activities of Japan Alive as such as awareness campaign, care of hearts of those who experienced abortion or domestic violence, etc. We would like to send information in various ways.

Awareness campaign and support to those who struggle with unexpected pregnancy and etc

We do activities by giving correct information of sex to the youth so that they may be able to make a right choice. As we work in this ministry, it seems that there is a lack of information and people do not know how to protect themselves or what kind of support systems there are for them.

Info Youth Project Home Page (Japanese only)

